Aung Ye Linn Keeps Silence To Identify His Girlfriend

Aung Ye Linn is interested regarding the fashion among teenagers because of his characterful style. He said he always learn about fashion design by looking magazine. He cuts and keeps the pages from magazine with the fashion design that he likes. He still does not sure about fashion for coming water festival however he has plan to build a Water-playing stand (Manndat).

Aung Ye Linn takes care not to be duplicated fashion design and characters with preparing hair and dress style carefully. If even he is acting in many movies, he tries to be different style but he does according the character. His idea about the fashion is there is important for the men also, not even for actor and actress. Everybody interested in fashion and he also realizes that Fashion is for becoming Star. So that he cares about fashion.

Currently rumors are spreading about Aung Ye Linn is falling in love with an actress. However when he is asked about rumors, he laughed and did not answer anything. His action could be attributed he confesses that rumors is right. His fans are guessing who could be his girlfriend. He will build a water-playing stand with the name “Captain” at Kandawgyi lake circular road in coming Water Festival. He chose that name because he admires the airplane captain and seaman captain. He wants to relax after working the whole year during water festival.

Aung Ye Linn said his relationship is calmly and he still does not thinking about marriage. He will consider for marriage when he is twenty-nine or thirty years old. He also believes in fate and needs to do good things for good fate.

Aung Ye Linn wanted to be a seaman when he was young because his father and brother are seamen. He had an interest about acting when he was at eighth grade. After he finished tenth grade, he met John Lwin and he stepped into entertainment industry. He always tries his best wherever he reaches and never expects too much. He presumes that everything is depending on fate and love is good for positive way. He is also trying to be good actor for his fans.

Burmese Girl

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